Castle Rock Communications, LLC, is a Colorado, USA company established to deploy advanced communications technologies in emerging markets around the world. These technologies enable the delivery and receipt of content at the highest possible speeds. Specifically, CRC offers a unique set of core competencies:
CRC was formed to market, provision, build and operate secure broadband networks in emerging markets and under-served communities around the world. CRC has a very experienced management team and the rapid rollout and low installation cost of CRC’s technology means that revenues and profits are quickly realized.
CRC deploys advanced communications technologies (including declassified US Department of Defense technologies) in the wireless broadband, security and content services areas. These technologies enable the delivery of multi-megabyte wireless speeds with guaranteed content security and content management. The competitive advantages stemming from the technology are further enhanced by the expertise and experience of the management team, who as well as having unparalleled experience in communications technologies and access to new leading technologies, have access to the highest level of decision makers in the Company’s target markets.